ERD modular eurorack series 2024
The ERD modular eurorack series, from the creator of the Black Death and Dark Interpreter noise synth devices, aims to infect and contaminate the world of Eurorack with a radical, new artistic sensibility.
ERD series modules include the ERD/ERD (Earth Return Distortion), ERD/SIR, ERD/γ random voltage and radioactive source, ERD/BREATH, ERD/LICHT, ERD/WORM post-human speech module, All the Colours of the Noise (ouroboric noise at all frequencies), caput draconis, ERD/TOAD, the ERD geomantic toolkit, and ERD/FUSE for pyrotechnic triggers.
All the Colours of the Noise will be joined by the final companion module in early 2025, ERD/VIA for disembodied touch "control".
Future modules planned for 2025 include: Populus touch matrix, and ERD/RAVEN vocal filters and vocoder.
All ERD modules are supplied fully hand assembled and totally Eurorack compatible (+ and -12v supplies). All series are sold in a limited, strictly numbered edition of 20-100 modules each.
Some ERD is now stocked by perfect circuit.
Contact m[at] for press details. Shipping from Germany.
10% discount for cash/collection in Berlin Mitte...
ERD/ERDgott edition
As a green branch with one end all aflame / will hiss and sputter sap out of the other / as the air escapes - so from that trunk there came / words and blood together, gout by gout.
ERD/ERDgott is the darkest ever ERD, mixing wintered earth, and plague ergot fungus cultured on human blood.
For this strictly limited edition the ergot (claviceps purpurea) sclerotium has been collected from rye fields in Brandenburg, cultured on a preparation of agar, nutrients and blood, and mixed with earth from the same site, collected after the harvest.
Ergot is the original plague technology, parasitic on many food grains, infesting vegetable, human and animal blood and psyche. The consumption of ergot contaminated rye bread has been responsible for black death plagues of collective dancing, fever, mass hallucinations, violent burning sensations, necrosis, gangrene and loss of limbs. These pathological symptoms are known as ergotism or St. Anthony's fire. More recently ergot is a precursor within the synthesis of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). It has been linked to ancient mystery cults across Europe.
ERD/ERDgott encourages a local necrosis of patch cables and fleshy modules, blackened and burning plague technologies reverted to winter earth. With wonderful thanks to Melissa Aguilar for assistance, manual design/layout and panel design.
All ERD/ERDgott orders will ship after the 26th of December.
Pricing: 269 euros (with free worldwide shipping with tracking number). Sold out
Technical and HOWTO
10HP, 20mA at +12V, 8mA at -12V, 0mA at 5v. 1 CV input, 1 signal input, 1 signal output, 2 jacks for external earth connection, 35mm deep.
Manual and layout at:
Die Grausamkeit des ewigen Tods. Lucifer Antichrist und sein Mutter ein Leib und Sele: ist fix und volatile.
ERD/FUSE is the first eurorack module designed to trigger and initiate pyrotechnic or explosive events from within the modular domain. ERD/FUSE acts as a bridge between gate or control signals, and multiple controlled ignition events. Under various operational modes, trigger signals are used to ignite either electric matches (ematches) or clip-on (talon or safety) igniters in complex sequences.
ERD/FUSE ships with a set of manual cards in a limited edition of 50. 44 remaining.
Pricing: 267 euros (with free worldwide shipping with tracking number). 16 remain in the first batch of 22.
Looks like:
Technical and HOWTO:
10HP, 50mA at 12v, 0mA at -12v. 4 gate/pulse/CV inputs (>4v trigger), 4 electric match/talon compatible output pairs.
ERD/FUSE requires a 12-15V, 40W+ brick power supply with a centre positive 2.1mm DC jack plug (eg. MEAN WELL GST40A12 Desktop power supply). This is not included. The power is plugged on the left side DC JACK.
Design and software at:
FUSE manual:
With wonderful thanks to Melissa Aguilar for video assistance, manual design/layout and panel design.
ERD accepts no responsibility or liability for any damages or injuries relating to the use or mis-use of ERD/FUSE. Please follow all safety instructions and notes included with your chosen ematch or talon, as provided by the manufacturer and follow all operation instructions relating to the safe use of ERD/FUSE.
Which Venom kills, and saveth such as Venom chance to take.
ERD/TOAD is an hermaphroditic analogue computer driven by the times of pulses and slopes, designed to model both physical and imaginary processes underlying the vocal emissions of various twinned lunar and solar creatures (such as ravens and toads). Ruddy, bursting and overcharged, running by turns hot and cold, breaking and stretching tracts and redefining pulses and control as the venomous spots on the belly of a bulky blackened TOAD, they bring forth all the rarest colours.
By default TOAD re-implements physicist Gabriel B. Mindlin’s ouroboric differential equation which models the mechanisms of birdsong production, computing oscillations within the bird’s syrinx, or sound producing organ. TOAD’s analogue computing elements are normed to follow this model and generate oscillations; only a clock signal (normed to multipliers and all clocks) needs to be supplied to generate audio. This signal can be any changing signal or pulse (it is converted to a clock internally).
With a few connections, TOAD can also be used to model chaotic equations from J. C Sprott’s “A New Class of Chaotic Circuit,” producing oscillations and filtering incoming signals in the audio domain.
TOAD can compute any number of audible physical and less-than-physical models using three switched capacitance integrators, a square function, three inverters, one signum function and seven multipliers (some of these are embedded within other functions).
ERD/TOAD ships with a comprehensive manual in a limited edition of 100. 25 remain in the edition.
Pricing: 490 euros (with free worldwide shipping with tracking number). Sold out
It is recommended to purchase and use ERD/TOAD together with the acquisitio module described below. Special pricing is available for TOAD in conjunction with modules from the ERD geomantic toolkit.
Sounds like
Technical and HOWTO
24HP, 100mA at +12V, 100mA at -12V, 0mA at 5v. Multiple audio/CV inputs and outputs. Power is red stripe/-12V towards the bottom of the module.
Design files at:
TOAD manual:
With wonderful thanks to Melissa Aguilar for manual design/layout and panel design.
ERD geomantic toolkit
The ERD/geomantic toolkit is designed to provide key utilities for the core ERD system comprising All the Colours of the Noise, caput draconis, TOAD, and VIA. These can also be used in any system as generic utilities with an emphasis on routing, switching and fine control. There are three utilities available, amissio, conjunctio and acquisitio and special pricing is available for multiple modules or in conjunction with ERD/TOAD (above). The geomantic toolkit ships with light or dark grey knobs depending on availability.
All geomantic modules are limited to an edition of 100 per module.
Pricing: Full toolkit: 480 euros (with free worldwide shipping with tracking number).
This apple tree does not bear fruit any more. Plenty is over, a warning that should not be overlooked. Will the apples on the ground be sufficient nourishment?
amissio allows for the touchable toggling (held switching) of four sets of patchable connections: connect or disconnect between key patch points using the touch of a finger or other body part. External signals can also be used to control the switching of signals routed through the skin.
Pricing: 170 euros (with free worldwide shipping with tracking number). 12 remain of the third batch.
Technical and HOWTO
8HP, 6mA at +12V, 0mA at -12V, 0mA at 5v. Four audio/CV inputs and four audio CV outputs. Power is red stripe/-12V DOWN.
Design files at:
Geomantic manual card:
amissio is released under the GPL GNU General Public License.
Those interwoven lines remind us of Egyptian symbols of indefectible links, as found in some patterns.These lines are genuine forces, showing unfoldment, not constriction.
conjunctio provides four sets of comparators, for use as gates and triggers, with four associated or linked conditional signal routing switches (two signals to one), to allow for dynamic, non-linear patching under ouroboric control. Routing can thus be controlled by the threshold and contrast of several signals.
Pricing: 190 euros (with free worldwide shipping with tracking number). 7 remain of the third batch.
Technical and HOWTO
12HP, 45mA at +12V, 25mA at -12V, 0mA at 5v. Sixteen audio/CV inputs and eight audio/CV inputs. Power is red stripe/-12V to the left from the back (with connector at top).
Design files at:
Geomantic manual card:
conjunctio is released under the GPL GNU General Public License.
The apple tree, a symbol of life, will bestow its lovely fruit: genuine gold apples, marvellous nourishment which conveys knowledge.
acquisitio is designed for the precise voltage control of other modules, in this case targeted at the generation of refined ERD/BREATH and ERD/TOAD control signals.
acquisitio presents four sets of offsets (0-10v) which are combined with four sets of VCA signals and a subtraction signal. acquisitio can also be used as a traditional VCA with offsets and subtraction included, and signals between sections of ERD/TOAD can be passed and processed through acquisitio.
Pricing: 180 euros (with free worldwide shipping with tracking number). 2 remain of the third batch.
Technical and HOWTO
14HP, 19mA at +12V, 26mA at -12V, 0mA at 5v. Twelve CV inputs and four CV outputs. Power is red stripe/-12V to the left edge.
Design files at:
Geomantic manual card:
acquisitio is released under the GPL GNU General Public License.
caput draconis
By degrees the idea of cultivation subsided into that of merely binary care. This slowly became merged in a sense of retirement — this again in a consciousness of solitude.
caput draconis is a new ourorack (ouroboric eurorack) module for gnarlular audio processing, and advanced serpentine all-frequency CV and audio pattern generation, encoding a series of successively pleasurable and tortuous sliding dislocations.
Four draconic heavily simulated shift registers are enchained, interlocked, woven and segmented, recursively and excessively feeding on each other in turns, vomiting noise and wormy symphonies according to moon phases and shifting nodal and modal paths. It is to have done with the judgement of god/s, snaking towards a synthesis without modules.
With sixty-four modes per serpentine section, caput draconis is best viewed as en-worming more than 16777216 (64^16) unique and complex instruments, equally invoked and informed by lunar phases and astrogeomantic time signatures.
caput draconis ships with an A2 poster/manual in a limited edition of 100. Sold out.
Pricing: 432 euros (with free worldwide shipping with tracking number). Sold out
Sounds like
Technical and HOWTO
20HP, 110mA at +12V, 20mA at -12V, 0mA at 5v. One audio input (5vpp), multiple CV/pulse inputs, pulse outs and 1 audio/CV output. Power is red stripe/-12V DOWN.
Design files at:
Extended manual and reader:
With wonderful thanks to Melissa Aguilar for poster/manual layout and design.
caput draconis is released under the GPL GNU General Public License.
ERD/WORM has finally been revived and revised from the cuts of the plow, and reissued with a new full gold panel. This final revival is strictly limited to 50 units.
The eurorack-based ERD/WORM synth features software worming of emulated artificial human speech cores from the 70s to the 90s of the last century. Six key speech cores are simulated with a vocabulary of over 4000 words and phrases, including basic allophones or phonemes which can be used to build new phrases as well as a Text to Speech engine for advanced textual constructions. A further set of COMPOST modes allows for sample-based re-working of constructed and wormed words and phrases.
Emulated speech cores include Texas Instruments' famous Speak and Worm family of devices (and subsequent circuit-wormed modifications), Atari and TI99/4 arcade games such as wormsec, Federal Screw Worms VERMIS worm-n-talk and General Instruments Intelliworm. ERD/WORM further bends and worms these key speech synthesis algorithms across 64 modes with full trigger, CV and knob control over nearly all aspects of these speech cores.
ERD/WORM functions best the more it deviates serpentinely from a simulation of recognizable human speech (as if it would ever) towards the slipped and stammered, a/rhythmic and timbral, producing new sounds through the use of fast re-triggering of phrases and phonemes, and exploring multiple bends by knob and CV control.
ERD/WORM (WORM/MOON) has been updated as follows:
- New words and phrases in the speak and worm modes, including spanish and italian language, vocaid medical device and many others.
- Removal of some duplicate words and phrases, fixes across speak and worm modes.
- Worming (or bending) within speak and worm modes now operates on the last selected word bank for the particular wormset.
- Wormings using an XY graph are now independent for each mode rather than being shared across all modes.
ERD/WORM (WORM/MOON) ships with an arsenic yellow Riso-printed full manual in a limited edition of 50. Sold out.
Pricing: 345 euros (with free worldwide shipping with tracking number).
Technical and HOWTO
12HP, 110mA at +12V, 18mA at -12V, 0mA at 5v. 5 CV inputs, 1 audio/trigger input, 1 audio output, 20mm deep.
Manual, code and design files at: and
With thanks to Ioana Vreme Moser for manual editing, layout and design and Kathrin Guenter for image.
Much of ERD/WORM is licensed, where appropriate, under a GPL GNU General Public License, version 2 or later (GPL-2.0+). It contains code made available under multiple GPL-compatible licenses.
All the Colours of the Noise
They shall shine colours here many a one.
A modular operator I saw, did vomit the waves and sheets of clouds, of noise and thunder so fast.
All the Colours of the Noise is a new rosarium of eurorack module for ouroboric becoming-noise at all timescales and frequencies, from the cloudy smoke of stray industrial furnace noise burning snakes to thunder and lightning noise from stricken server farms.
It is designed as a full noise voice (or two) for internal patching, which can easily draw sacrifices from other modulation sources at lower frequencies, exhibiting a ripeness for feedback (dripping, falling., compost in place and decay) and for dismemberment (sever those patch cables).
All the Colours of the Noise puts head to head, beak to beak, biting each, two noise sources, two clocked filters (low and bandpass), two sets of shift registers with 64 modes and various connective tissues. Pay attention to spiritus and corpus, anima and spiritus.
All the Colours of the Noise ships with a golden Riso-printed set of manual cards in a limited edition of 100. Sold out..
Pricing: 435 euros (with free worldwide shipping with tracking number). Sold out.
Sounds like
Technical and HOWTO
20HP, 150mA at +12V, 30mA at -12V, 0mA at 5v. Multiple CV inputs and audio outputs. Power is red stripe/-12V DOWN.
Design files at:
Cheatsheet with manual cards:
With thanks to Ioana Vreme Moser for manual layout and design.
All the Colours... is released under the GPL GNU General Public License.
ERD/WORM revival
ERD/WORM has finally been revived from the cuts of the plow, and reissued with a new panel to match the All the Colours bared scheme. All functionality is the same as the first edition. Revival is strictly limited to 50 units.
The eurorack-based ERD/WORM synth features software worming of emulated artificial human speech cores from the 70s to the 90s of the last century. Six key speech cores are simulated with a vocabulary of over 4000 words and phrases, including basic allophones or phonemes which can be used to build new phrases as well as a Text to Speech engine for advanced textual constructions. A further set of COMPOST modes allows for sample-based re-working of constructed and wormed words and phrases.
Emulated speech cores include Texas Instruments' famous Speak and Worm family of devices (and subsequent circuit-wormed modifications), Atari and TI99/4 arcade games such as wormsec, Federal Screw Worms VERMIS worm-n-talk and General Instruments Intelliworm. ERD/WORM further bends and worms these key speech synthesis algorithms across 64 modes with full trigger, CV and knob control over nearly all aspects of these speech cores.
ERD/WORM functions best the more it deviates serpentinely from a simulation of recognizable human speech (as if it would ever) towards the slipped and stammered, a/rhythmic and timbral, producing new sounds through the use of fast re-triggering of phrases and phonemes, and exploring multiple bends by knob and CV control.
ERD/WORM ships with a silver/golden Riso-printed full manual in a limited edition of 50.
Pricing: 325 euros (with free worldwide shipping with tracking number). SOLD OUT.
Technical and HOWTO
12HP, 110mA at +12V, 18mA at -12V, 0mA at 5v. 5 CV inputs, 1 audio/trigger input, 1 audio output, 20mm deep.
Manual, code and design files at: and
With thanks to Ioana Vreme Moser for manual editing, layout and design and Kathrin Guenter for image.
Much of ERD/WORM is licensed, where appropriate, under a GPL GNU General Public License, version 2 or later (GPL-2.0+). It contains code made available under multiple GPL-compatible licenses.
They behold but a brief span of a life that is no life, and, doomed to swift death, are borne up and fly off like smoke.
[Fragments of Empedocles]
ERD/BREATH is designed for the precise voltage control (CV) of heat and thus smoke production within a modular, eurorack setting.
ERD/BREATH allows for controlled summoning and nourishment of (artificial and benevolent) demons, for the offering of sacrificial vapours, and for any modular use of multiple incenses or other smoke-producing resins, herbs and natural substances. A small sample of sage is included for preliminary cleansing of the modular environ. This should be placed on the middle wire heating element which will become very hot and should not be touched.
The burnt offering is a wolf's eye, storax gum, cassia, balsam gum and whatever is valued among the spices.
One CV input is provided with amplification (upper) and offset knobs (lower) for more precise control of heat and smoke modulations. Slowly changing CV inputs, pulses and slopes are suggested. An external heating element (a minimum of 12cm coil of 0.2mm nichrome wire for example) can be connected to the right hand DC JACK. xb ERD/BREATH does not itself produce amplified sound but could be paired with a contact mic or Mikrophonie module, or used with a light to sound setup (for example the ERD/LICHT).
This module requires a 12-15V, 40W+ brick power supply with a centre positive 2.1mm DC jack plug (eg. MEAN WELL GST40A12 Desktop power supply). This is not included. The power is plugged on the left side DC JACK.
It is definitely not advised to leave the module connected to the external supply whilst the modular is unattended. Please exercise caution around the wire heating element; cables and hands should not touch this element.
ERD/BREATH ships with a two page manual in a limited edition of 50.
Pricing: 195 euros (with free worldwide shipping with tracking number). Sold out.
Both ERD/BREATH and ERD/LICHT can be ordered as one package for the new price of 340 euros here (with free Europe, UK, USA, Japan shipping with tracking number). Sold out.*
Technical and HOWTO
8HP, 40mA at +12V, 8mA at -12V, 0mA at 5v. One CV input, one output for an external heating element, 24mm deep, 17mm high. Power is red stripe/-12V DOWN.
This module requires a 12V, minimum 2A brick power supply with a centre positive 2.1mm DC jack plug (eg. MEAN WELL GST40A12 Desktop power supply). This is not included.
Manual, code and design files at: and
With thanks to Ioana Vreme Moser for image.
Reading list
The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, Betz, H. D. et al.
The Fragments of Empedocles.
Becoming Gold, Grimes, S.
De Mysteriis, Iamblichus.
De Abstinentia ab Esu Animalium, Porphyry.
Techniques of Graeco-Egyptian Magic, Skinner, S.
Visions of Zosimos, Zosimos of Panipolis.
ERD/LICHT transforms and amplifies the oscillations and perturbations of photons into the massed movements of electrons, thus electricity and perhaps only then into sound waves.
Any changing light source is transformed into sound or control signals.
There is one amplified output and one gate output (2ms 0-5v), corresponding to the rising edge of a dazzling approach (a disco strobe for example). Events can be triggered by excessive photonic eruptions or avalanche. Both are under the control of one amplitude knob - in most cases the gate or trigger output will need this adjustment.
To use ERD/LICHT with ERD/BREATH a low power laser can be used, passing through smoke and particles to impact close or on the LICHT sensor (situated underneath the centre of the two cut out arcs) depending on the strength of the beam. Some adjustment will be necessary.
ERD/LICHT ships with a layout card in a limited edition of 50.
Pricing: 165 euros (with free worldwide shipping with tracking number). Sold out.
Sounds like
Technical and HOWTO
8HP, 13mA at +12V, 13mA at -12V, 0mA at 5v. One voltage output, one gate output, 24mm deep, 17mm high. Power is red stripe/-12V DOWN.
Layout card, code and design files at: and
With thanks to Ioana Vreme Moser for image.
ERD/ERD Necromanteion edition
In the same figment dark as his figments.
The ERD/ERD Necromanteion places a small block of earth sourced from three Ancient Greek Oracles of the Dead into the Eurorack circuit.
For this ERD/ERD Necromanteion edition, earth has been collected from three different locations each idengtified in Ancient Greek times with an entry to the underworld, a place for the putting of questions to the Oracles of the Dead. These include the Oracle of the Sibyl at Cumae, the Oracle of the Dead at Baia, and Grotto of the Sibyl, next to the deathly Lake Avernus. These sourced earths have been mixed for each Necromanteion module.
ERD/ERD Necromanteion edition is issued in a strictly limited edition of eleven units.
Pricing: 185 euros (with free worldwide shipping with tracking number). Sold out
Technical and HOWTO
10HP, 20mA at +12V, 8mA at -12V, 0mA at 5v. 1 CV input, 1 signal input, 1 signal output, 2 jacks for external earth connection, 35mm deep.
Manual and layout at:
The WORM was for a long time desirous to speake, but the rule and order of the Court enjoyned him silence, but now strutting and swelling, and impatient, of further delay, he broke out thus... [Michael Maier]
The eurorack-based ERD/WORM synth features software worming of emulated artificial human speech cores from the 70s to the 90s of the last century. Six key speech cores are simulated with a vocabulary of over 4000 words and phrases, including basic allophones or phonemes which can be used to build new phrases as well as a Text to Speech engine for advanced textual constructions. A further set of COMPOST modes allows for sample-based re-working of constructed and wormed words and phrases.
Emulated speech cores include Texas Instruments' famous Speak and Worm family of devices (and subsequent circuit-wormed modifications), Atari and TI99/4 arcade games such as wormsec, Federal Screw Worms VERMIS worm-n-talk and General Instruments Intelliworm. ERD/WORM further bends and worms these key speech synthesis algorithms across 64 modes with full trigger, CV and knob control over nearly all aspects of these speech cores.
ERD/WORM functions best the more it deviates serpentinely from a simulation of recognizable human speech (as if it would ever) towards the slipped and stammered, a/rhythmic and timbral, producing new sounds through the use of fast re-triggering of phrases and phonemes, and exploring multiple bends by knob and CV control.
ERD/WORM is produced in Berlin by various worms and hands.
ERD/WORM ships with a golden Riso-printed full manual in a limited edition of 100.
Pricing: 275 euros with free, tracked worldwide shipping. Sold out.
Sounds like:
Technical and HOWTO
12HP, 110mA at +12V, 18mA at -12V, 0mA at 5v. 5 CV inputs, 1 audio/trigger input, 1 audio output, 20mm deep.
Manual, code and design files at: and
With thanks to Ioana Vreme Moser for manual editing, layout and design and Kathrin Guenter for image.
Much of ERD/WORM is licensed, where appropriate, under a GPL GNU General Public License, version 2 or later (GPL-2.0+). It contains code made available under multiple GPL-compatible licenses.
ERD/ERD raven edition
This opinion, in its general form, was that of the sentience of all vegetable things. But, in his disordered fancy, the idea had assumed a more daring character, and trespassed, under certain conditions, upon the kingdom of inorganization. I lack words to express the full extent, or the earnest abandon of his persuasion. The belief, however, was connected (as I have previously hinted) with the gray stones of the home of his forefathers. The conditions of the sentience had been here, he imagined, fulfilled in the method of collocation of these stones –in the order of their arrangement, as well as in that of the many fungi which overspread them, and of the decayed trees which stood around - above all, in the long undisturbed endurance of this arrangement, and in its reduplication in the still waters of the tarn. Its evidence - the evidence of the sentience - was to be seen, he said, (and I here started as he spoke,) in the gradual yet certain condensation of an atmosphere of their own about the waters and the walls. The result was discoverable, he added, in that silent, yet importunate and terrible influence which for centuries had moulded the destinies of his family, and which made him what I now saw him - what he was.
[Edgar Allen Poe. The Fall of the House of Usher]
The ERD/ERD raven edition contains earth from the grave site of Edgar Allen Poe in Westminster Cemetery, Baltimore. Within The Fall of the House of Usher Edgar Allen Poe in 1839 instantiated one of the first geophysical writing machines, describing in detail how the earth and all "vegetable things" creates psyche and sentience. It is this earth which is contained and rendered audibly and psychically influential anew with the ERD/ERD raven edition.
ERD/ERD raven was issued in a strictly limited edition of ten units. Apologies for any indications this may be re-released.
Pricing: 185 euros (with free worldwide shipping with tracking number). Sold out.
Technical and HOWTO
12HP, 20mA at +12V, 8mA at -12V, 0mA at 5v. 1 CV input, 1 signal input, 1 signal output, 2 jacks for external earth connection, 37mm deep.
Manual and layout at:
With many thanks to Raymond Johnson for the fine, wormy earth sample.
ERD/SIR re-issue
This is the final limited re-issue [white] of the ERD/SIR (Susceptible, Infected, Recovered) with a few potentially damaging plague "fixes" and the addition of a new embedded full Turing Machine simulation. This ERD/SIR is produced with an opposing white panel and is issued in an edition of 40.
ERD/SIR roots the ERD modular philosophy firmly in a vampiric earth plague. Coded contagion and infection simulations and 8 bit processor models have been ported from the infamous micro-blackdeath device, and placed under control voltage (CV).
ERD/SIR offers a fully fledged viral computation unit including a central plague unit [CPU] acting as interpreter for selected instruction sets which operate on the interior cells or sound-generating individuals (the simulation of a medieval village within the synth). Instruction sets include masque (of the red death, courtesy of E.A Poe), brainfuck, redcode, plain plague, programmable Turing Machine, and SIR (susceptible, infected, recovered).
ERD/SIR is a digital/analogue module which can be used as a stochastic, chaotic pattern and waveform generator. The three knob controls and CV can be used to change the speed of simulation and output voltage, the selected plague and instruction set, and to actually input instructions, live coding style, into the simulated plague processors or CPUs.
Pricing: 145 euros with free, tracked worldwide shipping. Sold out
Sounds like...
Technical and HOWTO
8HP, 50mA at +12V, 30mA at -12V, 0mA at 5v. 3 CV inputs, 1 CV output (this is not an audio signal but lower frequency), 25mm deep.
Manual and layout at:
New extended modes reader:
ERD/ERD vampiric edition
There, in one of the great boxes, of which there were fifty in all, on a pile of newly dug earth, lay the Count!
The ERD/ERD vampiric edition contains mixed earth from both Golgotha, Jerusalem and Whitby Abbey, England. Whitby is the landing and stranding place of Dracula's ghost ship Demeter, delivering the fifty oblong boxes ("a number of great wooden boxes filled with mould") which find their way to the Count's chapel at Carfax. This earth is essential to Dracula, it forms "his earth-home, his coffin-home, his hell-home..."
It is this earth which is later sterilised and rendered more holy by Dr. Van Helsing. It is this earth which is contained and rendered audibly and psychically influential anew with the ERD/ERD vampiric edition.
It is our belief that Stoker was programmed by the geology and earth of Whitby to literally transcribe the story of a technology to come; the future technology of plague or contagious computation which in turn writes itself on every earth substrate (doped silicon) as holy. This ERD/ERD edition seeks to re-animate this geophysical writing machine, and to curse that more than holy earth.
For more details see the original ERD/ERD below.
Pricing: 185 euros (with free worldwide shipping with tracking number). Sold out.
Technical and HOWTO
12HP, 20mA at +12V, 8mA at -12V, 0mA at 5v. 1 CV input, 1 signal input, 1 signal output, 2 jacks for external earth connection, 37mm deep.
Manual and layout at:
With many thanks to Avi Caspy, Joy Kemp and others for the twin earth samples.
Gamma images: Dirk Dunkelberg
Provide by Arts, for the hardnesse of Nature, for one Sister weepeth without the other.
Extending the explorations of material process and ever viral code initiated by the micro_research ERD series, ERD/γ digs the Eurorack synth deep into geological time scales of radioactive decay. The module provides a radioactive source (Uraninite aka. Pitchblende), Geiger counter and processing to deliver both pure random voltages and random timing/triggers.
Given the half life of the isotopes within the active material (Uranium-238 and Uranium-235) the module must be returned for recalibration in perhaps a few billion years.
According to selected mode (four CV modes) ERD/γ outputs a scaled random control voltage (0-5v) either at specific adjusted time deltas, or at scaled random times. A low entropy mode allows for faster random CV out (maximum 100-150Hz as compared to 10-20Hz). A trigger mode supplies the last available random voltage on trigger in (rising edge). A dedicated trigger out provides a 5v pulse (200uS duration) at random scaled intervals (at zero speed scale each pulse mirrors a beta decay event at the geiger tube). Timing and voltage scales are under CV control; local entropy can thus be reduced.
Pricing: 225 euros with free, tracked worldwide shipping. Sold out completely
Sounds like...
Note that the ERD/γ releases high entropy CV data embedded in the material world, rather than emitting any sound itself.
Technical and HOWTO
12HP, 35mA at +12V, 4mA at -12V, 0mA at 5v. 2 CV inputs(0-5v), 1 trigger input(edge trigger), 1 CV output(0-5v), 1 trigger output (5v at 200uS), 35mm deep.
Manual and layout at:
ERD/ERD (Earth Return Distortion) is the first and most extreme expression of the ERD philosophy, seeking to literally put the earth back into circuit with technology. All world electricity travels through the earth and nearly all electronic circuitry and devices are extracted and refined from the earth. ERD/ERD puts a small block of forest earth into the Eurorack circuit, allowing control and audio signals to be distorted and amplified as they pass through the earth block. It can be viewed in conventional terms as an earth conditioned VCA (amplification factor by knob control or CV) and distortion. Local electrical and atmospheric signals can condition and distort the earth signal. Two jack connections are also included, optionally switching out the local earth block in favour of routing through local earth piles and forest sites. Discounts are available in return for earth samples (eg. Edgar Allen Poe earth from Baltimore, vampire earth from Transylvania or Whitby).
Sounds like...
Technical and HOWTO
10HP, 20mA at +12V, 8mA at -12V, 0mA at 5v. 1 CV input, 1 signal input, 1 signal output, 2 jacks for external earth connection, 35mm deep.
Manual and layout at:
ERD/SIR (Susceptible, Infected, Recovered) roots the ERD modular philosophy firmly in a vampiric earth plague. Coded contagion and infection simulations and 8 bit processor models have been ported from the infamous micro-blackdeath device, and placed under control voltage (CV).
ERD/SIR offers a fully fledged viral computation unit including a central plague unit [CPU] acting as interpreter for selected instruction sets which operate on the interior cells or sound-generating individuals (the simulation of a medieval village within the synth). Instruction sets include masque (of the red death, courtesy of E.A Poe), brainfuck, redcode, plain plague and SIR (susceptible, infected, recovered).
ERD/SIR is a digital/analogue module which can be used as a stochastic, chaotic pattern and waveform generator. The three knob controls and CV can be used to change the speed of simulation and output voltage, the selected plague and instruction set, and to actually input instructions, live coding style, into the simulated plague processors or CPUs.
Pricing: 145 euros with free, tracked worldwide shipping. Sold out.
Sounds like...
Technical and HOWTO
8HP, 50mA at +12V, 30mA at -12V, 0mA at 5v. 3 CV inputs, 1 CV output (this is not an audio signal but lower frequency), 25mm deep.
Manual and layout at:
Hardware, software and design files
All ERD series modules are licensed as open hardware and free software with all schematics(KiCad only), software and layouts/notes available at:
With thanks to Connie Mendoza for ERD/ERD and ERD/SIR images.